It Takes Courage

Courage is defined as having a quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain without fear and with bravery.
I'm sure that most people would agree that they have had times in their life when they needed to find that courage in themselves to face something or try something.
Now Courage may seem as an over exaggeration in terms of what I am talking about but I believe that it does. To be a Pinup and to wear pinup I see takes courage and takes a step of bravery.
Society as a norm prefers people to wear clothes that are seen as fashionable or 'in' and to wear something that is away from that can be a step of courage and face many things.
I think that is why I took a bit longer to really decide that this was the style that I wanted to wear and  actually commit myself to it.
Some of the obstacles that I felt was that I was too old. Now it can be said that you should wear what you like at any age but there was a voice in my head, that I suspect that was from my Grandma that says - 'Don't be mutton dressed up as lamb'. That took a while to face and see that it was my choice and if I wore it with confidence that any style could be my own.
Another obstacle was of course not knowing where to start. Who do Iask? What do I do? Joining Instagram and some Facebook groups was a godsend. I again drew on Courage and wrote to ladies and asked. I followed them on social media, looked up brands of Pinup clothing and jumped in. I started purchasing a few things and then that gave me more Courage and I then I too felt that I could post some photos of myself and wear Pinup more often.
The last obstacle was cost. Now its not usually the 'done' thing to discuss money but it is a reality and it is something that we all face in some form of another. The Courage I used here was to not always purchase new. Buying a pre loved item is ok, its is no problem and it is quite often the only way that you can actually get some items that are not produced or now considered Vintage. There is a thought that buying something that is not new to yourslef is tacky, ill considered and a touch common. I disagree with all these thoughts. I have purchsed some beautiful things and non of them have had issues. An item that I purcashed pre loved is gloves. I have gathered vintage gloves from many sources such as Ebay, Gumtree, Garage Sales and Pre loved shops. All the gloves I feel are a part of histroy and a sign of times gone past. I wear them with pride.
Did you need Courage to wear Pinup. Have you needed it another part of your life?

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